Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Recent News Around Here
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Oh Crap
Things by me aren't half bad right now. Mark is working a contract job so we're not starving anymore. I'm nearing the end of the semester, which means that I'll be ONE more away from graduating! Oscar's eye has finally cleared up after a NEW vet. Long story short, we LOVED the new person and he seems to be pretty healthy. And the weather has finally warmed up in DC which means that it's time for barbecuing, long walks, and wine on the back porch.
Please stay tuned for more posts as I'm re-committing myself to my blog!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Post-Snow Commute
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Sick of Snow Days
Friday, February 5, 2010
The Snow Is Here!!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Impatiently Waiting
I'm going to bed like a little kid wishing for a snow day. Pleeeeeeeease let it happen!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Prepping for Snowmageddon Part II
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Snow Day
On another note, I'm starting to get sick. Well, I kind of am sick. Sore throat, runny nose, etc. I hope that I feel better tomorrow because I have lots of blogging to catch up on!
Monday, February 1, 2010
2 Years
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Three Weeks In
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Get Fuzzy
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
It's 10:16 pm and...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sleepiness Everywhere
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
25 Days and Counting
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Finally... Productivity!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Pizza Night
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Oscar, aka "Cone"
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Dear Neighbors
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
OMG, Graduate Programs
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Lazy Sunday
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I Get To Leave The Apartment
I'm sure I'll come back with plenty of blogging material for tomorrow, so come back for an update!
Friday, January 15, 2010
End Of The Week Waffles
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Mail Lesson
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Goodbye Sweets, Hello Skinny Jeans
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Someone Prick Me So My Anxiety Can Escape
Monday, January 11, 2010
My Inability To Function Must Die
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Mark vs. Eliot
I mentioned in earlier posts that my boyfriend goes by two separate names, Mark and Eliot. He’s graciously given me permission to blog about it and help explain to all of you his reasons for changing names.
His given name is Mark Eliot but he absolutely hates the name Mark. You see, his dad’s name is also Mark and when he was younger his family nicknamed him “Markie” or “Little Mark.” Sadly for him these nicknames stuck into his adult life, even after he got a professional degree. He decided from that point on that he wanted to go by Eliot in professional circles.
He explained all this to me when we first met and I immediately asked him if he’d rather I called him Mark or Eliot. He told me that it didn’t matter so I chose to call him Mark since that was his first name. When we moved to DC he wanted to start going by Eliot and informed me that from then on I would have to call him that. You can imagine my reaction. You can’t just date someone for 6 months and then have a name change. I did my best to call him Eliot in front of his coworkers but I know him as MARK. Don’t get me wrong; I COMPLETELY understand why he wants to be known as Eliot rather than Mark. I just think he should have told me that on our first date. Now it’s gotten to a point where half the people we know in DC call him Eliot and half of them call him Mark. Them calling him Mark is mostly my fault because that’s how I introduce him. I’m sorry, sweetie. I just can’t help it.
Depending on my mood I’ll call him Mark or Eliot. Some people reading this blog will know him as one or the other and I wanted to clarify why I’ll often refer to him as both. Feel free to do the same!
P.S. Starting tonight, I’m going to be posting pictures of food I’ve made and when you click the link below it will take you to a page where I’ll have a write-up of how it went. There will also be pictures of wine I try as well as anything else that relates to my kitchen. I hope y’all find it useful!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
The End of Sleeping In
My sleeping habits are way off base lately and I can only imagine the trouble I’ll have when school starts up next week. Fortunately, I don’t have any early morning classes this semester and will still be heading off to work first and then over to school. I’m excited because after the semester is over I’ll only have one more to complete until I graduate. I also look forward to the change in seasons that will occur in another couple of months. Even though I don’t have the fear that normally occurs with going back to school, I’m still slightly disappointed in knowing that I’ll have less time.
Getting to stay up late has been an absolute treat for me, at least for the few select days it’s actually happened over my break. I’m normally so exhausted by the time 8:30pm rolls around that I can’t bear to drag myself off the couch and away from TiVo. There’s just something special about being able to watch The Golden Girls and Cheers until 3am. And I know exactly what you’re thinking; doesn’t she know that television is on DVD now? Yes, I do know this, but it’s just not the same.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Wanted: Cleaners
Go ahead, judge me. I have cleaners. They came with the apartment. A team of 6 or 7 women come into our place and it’s like a cleaning tornado. In 45 minutes all the dishes are clean/ put away, our sheets have been changed, and the surfaces are shiny again. And they’ve been gone for WEEKS because they get a break over the holidays. WHO GETS A BREAK OVER THE HOLIDAYS? Just kidding.
Because of their extended absence, today was supposed to be our own “cleaning day” until the cleaners come back to us next Friday. It didn’t get off to the most productive start, being that I slept until after noon and then lolled around in my pajamas for another hour and a half. Yeah, I know. SLACKER.
Now remember, we have two cats and a dog, so you can imagine the kind of shedding that occurs on a regular basis. And in order to vacuum, Jade has to be put in her crate. She LOATHES the vacuum. She will run up to it and start attacking it even if it’s not in use. I start vacuuming and Jade is in the other room barking so intensely that you’d think an intruder was attacking us. We’re lucky that our neighbors didn’t call the police. The only successful thing that got cleaned (besides what got vacuumed) was the bathroom, which I made Mark tackle.
Today’s procrastinating means that tomorrow is the new cleaning day. Yeah, right. I need my cleaners back.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
About Me
In the future there will probably be a section devoted to this subject. There will probably be sections devoted to another subject or two as well, but this is my first blog and it still needs work. I want to give people who may start to read this an idea of who they’re following. For starters, my name is Alicia (a-lee-sha) and I live in
I’m obsessed with watching movies I love over and over, especially if it was made in the 80s. The same goes for television except that I’m partial to one show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I also have a passion for reading and for owning lots and lots of books. I adore animals and I enjoy wine, being outdoors, and barbequing. I have a dream that one day I’ll get a job where I can sleep in and work from home in my pajamas.
I’m a vegetarian, almost vegan because my stomach doesn’t handle milk all too well. Cooking is one of the things I look forward to everyday, so I’m going to try and devote a section of my blog to recipes and their results. Since money is tight, the meals I make are generally inexpensive and relatively simple. However I love using fresh ingredients and do my best to create meals that are wholesome yet don’t break my bank. That’s not to say that I always eat super-healthy. There are times I revert back to veggie burgers with mac n’ cheese or soy chicken nuggets with fries. But I’d still like to share with all of you what I find that’s vegetarian, delicious, and economical.
Like I said, I have many goals for this blog and am in the process of figuring out how to execute them. Hopefully in the next couple weeks I’ll start posting pictures, if anyone is at all interested. Please feel free to ask me questions, send me emails, and leave comments.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
No More Needles
I was relieved to find out that it was a problem most likely attributed to my night-time grinding. The dentist took x-rays, concluded that there were no cavities, and sent me home with a prescription for fluoride toothpaste. She told me that I had to come back in two weeks for a cleaning because she wanted to make sure that I’d actually come back (I think she sensed my fear of dentists) and not just skip it because I felt improvement with the sensitivity. The toothpaste helped and two weeks later I went back for my “routine” cleaning, feeling relieved because the sensitivity had not turned out to be anything too serious. Remember when I said that things can never be too easy for me? You see where this is going. So I’m lying in the chair while she exams all my teeth, making observations for the assistant to note. She finishes, sits me up, and tells me that I have nine cavities. No, that is not a typo. NINE, not NONE. They weren’t deep enough to see on the x-ray, she said, but they were definitely cavities that could cause bigger problems. Right away the panic set in. She told me that she’d have to fill all of them and that I could elect to do it in quadrants or in halves. I chose halves because the thought of having to go back four times was unbearable and carefully scheduled the first appointment for after Christmas.
Last Monday I went in for the right side, which was home to five cavities. I was completely anxious for the entire weekend beforehand (did I mention I hate needles?). The dreadful morning arrives and I got the Novocain without even crying, although that wouldn’t last long. The upper portion goes pretty smoothly and since I didn’t need a break, the dentist elected to move on to the bottoms. She starts the drill, touches it to my tooth, and I immediately jump like she’s trying to pull the thing out. She stopped instantly, reached over to her tray of tools, and grabbed the pointy thingy that they use to scrape plaque. When she touched my gum with it I could feel the sharpness so I needed another round of Novocain. I won’t lie, I did cry a little bit. I was only prepared for two shots and had no idea that sometimes they have to numb one section a couple times. The second shot was in and the first tooth on the bottom had been successfully completed with no pain. And then there was the second tooth. OMG, STOP RIGHT NOW. Right away I sensed pain from the drill but couldn’t feel the sharp instrument. Then, the words of horror: I’m going to have to inject you again. FULL BLOWN TEARS. I’m bawling because there is no way that I want a FOURTH needle piercing my gum. And this is where it gets intense. I worked through the pain. I sucked it up and didn’t cry for the rest of the appointment. When she finished, she told me that the cavity was a LOT deeper than she thought and therefore it was close to the nerve which was why I couldn’t feel the sharp instrument but I could feel the drill.
I got the last four filled this afternoon and it went a whole lot better than last time. No tears, no blood, and only two shots of Novocain. I don’t have to go back for six months, and even that will only be for a cleaning. I just have to point out this little fact; in the past week and a half I have had 40 allergy test shots, 8 injections for ambiguous allergy test results, and 5 shots of Novocain for a grand total of 52 shots. Rockstar? I think so.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Two Cats, One Dog, and an Apartment
I've already discussed Oscar at length and it's only fair that now I give you a glimpse into all the pets that I own. Besides Oscar, there is our second cat Daisy May (DM for short) and our Australian Cattle Dog, Jade. They make this apartment absolutely insane, chaotic, and hairy, but I love them anyway.
Daisy May is an orphan that I raised since the day she was born, along with her two siblings. I adopted the other two out to great homes and then decided to keep her for myself. She’s almost three now and at times is the strangest cat you’ll ever want to meet. DM hasn’t realized that she is a cat yet and I’m sure it will come as a shock one day. She’s quite destructive and all the doorways in our apartment are proof. Mark can’t stand her (or so he claims-I’ve seen him snuggle her) but she’s my baby.
And as for Jade… Well, have you ever met an ACD? They are CRAZY! She’s extremely energetic and has a bark that makes you want to hate her. You think I’m exaggerating? I’m not. But you can’t hate her because she’s adorable and loves just about everyone. Except DM. More on that later. Mark got her when she was a puppy and she’s taken to me with extreme affection. She is a protector, food-stealer, and champion cat chaser. Jade is also VERY well trained except if there is chocolate within snout’s reach.
I’m taking the time to put up a short post about them because in the future you’ll be hearing more about my life, and some parts will involve them and the craziness…er…happiness that they provide.
Monday, January 4, 2010
We Lived To Tell (or meow) About It
Since all of you are dying to know (or at least I’m going to pretend that you are), my trip to the allergist was met with bravery and triumph. Sort of.
I started off getting the regular 40 injections where they test for things like dogs, cats, mold, ragweed, etc. The nurse pricked me all over both my arms, each time with a different liquid. It didn’t hurt too much, but then she told me that if I reacted to something, I would begin to itch. And let me tell you, boy did I begin to itch. But the worst part is that you’re not allowed to scratch. So for 16 of the longest minutes of my life, I had to sit and not scratch while my arms grew welts as big as quarters. QUARTERS. After the 16 minutes were up, I finally got to find out what I was allergic to. But wait… that would have been WAY too easy, especially for me. There were 8 spots that they weren’t sure about- they reacted, but not as big as the others. This means that I had to get 8 REAL shots, under the skin, and completely painful. Then I had to wait again while those injection sites swelled up like quarters.
After another eternity of waiting and itching, the nurse practitioner came in to give me my diagnosis. Well, she said, looks like you’re allergic to everything. No joke, that’s totally what she said. Cats, mold, ragweed, dust, pollen, and oak are just a few of the things that came up positive for an allergy reaction. She gave me a whole packet of reading material and I’m faced with the decision of getting allergy shots sometime in my future. No more shots today, though. I think I was already traumatized enough.
It went about as well for me as it went for Oscar. His eye still isn’t much better and he has to keep his cone on for another week. Which trust me, is just as bad for us as it is for him. And on top of all that joyous news, the vet charged us $47.50 for the “re-check” and $18.00 for his third dye test. Yes, that’s right; a simple re-check put me over $60 in the hole. We really dislike this vet, mostly because we seem to spend endless amounts of money and the cat isn’t showing much improvement. It’s also putting a huge financial strain on us since Mark (or Eliot depending on how you know him. That’s correct; he goes by two different names. I’ll get into it eventually) is still unemployed. We don’t need to go spending hundreds of dollars on the cat all within the span of a month. The vet briefly mentioned that if it doesn’t make much progress in the next week, we might have to consider seeing a kitty ophthalmologist. Oh good lord, she did NOT just say that. But she did and I was not the only one who heard it. Across the exam room, Mark was motioning (jokingly of course) that we should just remove the eye. Don’t worry, we would NEVER do something that drastic unless it was absolutely necessary. On that note, please keep your fingers crossed for a super-speedy recovery for cone-kitty.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Tomorrow is a big day for a couple of us in this household. Though to be honest, I consider most days big days because a) I got out of my pajamas, b) I showered, and c) I'm dramatic like that.
I have my second appointment with an allergist (after a few months of wicked asthma attacks), this time to get a series of 40 injections that should pinpoint my allergies. I know, doesn't it sound like fun? Not. I hate needles and the thought of getting 40 shots IN A ROW has me a bit freaked out. I cried getting Novocain at the dentist last week, so I can only imagine how this will unfold. I'll probably pass out, cry hysterically, or do something else equally embarrassing. I'll be sure to Tweet about my anxiety beforehand, my pain during, and my relief afterwards.
Around the same time that I'll be getting my injections, our cat Oscar will be going to the vet for the third time in the past four weeks. He developed what we assumed was an eye infection so we took him to the vet where we paid a large sum of money to get the official diagnosis of an eye infection along with some drops. Two weeks later he was still winking so he went BACK to the vet and got a different diagnosis. This time it was a scratched eye, and we had to pay an even greater amount to get more medication. This means that for the past four weeks we've been putting some kind of medication in Oscar's eye twice a day, everyday. He's STILL not better and to make matters worse he's been wearing a cone since last Monday. We've taken to calling him "Cone Kitty" and you can smell his cone coming from across the apartment. The poor thing can't even get in and out of his litter box without causing a scene. Oh, and the dog keeps chasing him like he's some sort of alien.
I hope that everything goes well for both of us and that there are no more needles, medications, or cones in our near future.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
My New Years Resolutions
Like most people do this time of year, I’ve succumbed to creating my own list of things that I want to improve. Even though the list may be a bit long, they’re all important to me. So, here I go:
1. Join Twitter and start a blog. I’m about to graduate with a degree, I have no idea what I want to do with it, and I need practice writing for an audience (if an audience ever even reads this). I’ve started both (PLEASE follow me on Twitter!) and am making my best attempt to keep at it everyday, barring extreme disasters that leave me without Internet. My life is a series of neverending misadventures and I’m going to tell people about it along the way.
2. Eat healthier/ exercise more. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that almost EVERY person on the planet vows to make this happen. But lately I’ve had a downfall of eating things that add up to days worth of calories just in one meal. I’m going to stop snacking on junk and get out more to exercise. Jade is looking at a lot more walks to the park.
3. Take more pictures. I’ve seen a couple video tributes to 2009 where people take their pictures from the year and add music to show people what they accomplished. I could only think that, oh great, if I made one of those it would consist of two events. Now don’t get me wrong, they two AWESOME experiences, but I’d like to think my life consists of more fun times. (Also, I want to look skinnier in the pictures, hence the eating better and exercising more).
4. Be more green. Even though it’s the trend to be environmentally friendly, I want to do my part. My worst habit is to leave the lights on in every room in my apartment. Although I’ll admit that I’m currently pretty darn good at making sure no one puts anything in the garbage that belongs in recycling, I know I can do better in certain areas.
So there you have it, my aspirations for 2010. It WILL be better than 2009!